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Topaz responded to my suggestions quickly

作家相片: sklphotographysklphotography

After trying the Topaz Sharpen AI, I would definitely recommend all of you to use the program due to its power of AI to stabilize blurred images effectively at 4-5 stops. Despite its user-friendly design, I made the following suggestions to Topaz:

  1. The program requests user to import an image before selecting the desired processing mode: Sharpen, Stabilize and Focus. However, it takes rather a long time to load an image. The User Interface should be designed so that the 3 modes can be selected before an image is imported. It would even be better if the desired mode can be saved in preference.

  2. The program detects whether GPU should be used at the first launch but user is not informed of whether GPU should be used. A pop-up message should be shown to inform user about its optimum performance.

  3. Batch processing of images should be considered.

  4. When the processing mode finishes, the preview table would show the changes. User can move around the image and get into 100% zoom to have a quick side-by-side comparison to the changes. Since it takes several minutes to complete the process before you can drag your image, it is recommended that the process can be done in the viewing size only. Personally, I prefer to wait for just another few seconds to have a comparison of the side-by-side crops. It would be happy to have such feature as a personalised feature in preference as well.

Yesterday, I received an email inviting me to be one of the beta testers of the program for any future updates. It is really my pleasure to contribute to the program.

And today, guess what? A beta version has been released and invites me for a test. I am really happy to receive such a good news and note that the latest update is going to address some of my concerns. How wonderful!

I cannot wait to download the beta version immediately.

I will let you know how it works after testing the program.

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